
  • National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
    • Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE)
    • Undergraduate | Class of 2026

Professional Roles

  • Vice president and cofounder @ NCKUCTF Club
    • September, 2023 - Present
    • Led 2023 NCKU freshmen cup CTF competition in September and sucessfully recruited 20+ new members
    • Hosts B33F H4CK1NG, which is the book club under B33F 50μP CTF team
  • Core member @ CTF team B33F 50μP.
  • Member of Taiwan Security Club (TSC)
    • September, 2023 - Present
    • Member of general affairs division (行政組組員) since 2024
    • Created 2 challenges for the 2024 TSC CTF competition and volunteered as a staff at the award ceremony
  • Teaching Assistance @ AIS3
    • July 29th - August 4th, 2024
    • Guided 150 participants in advanced cybersecurity courses
    • Assisted 36 participants in generating ideas for security projects related to threat intelligence and ai
  • Member of UCCU Hacker.
    • October, 2023 - Present
    • Helped the event in 2024 HITCON UCCU stand

Specialized Training

Competition and Awards

Lecture and Speaking

  • 2024 NCKUCTF Pwn Courses
    • April - May, 2024
    • Course Repository
    • 9 hours of free and open lecture about software security including
      • Introduction to bug classes and basic binary exploit like shellcoding and hijack program flow
      • Return oriented programming (ROP) and how to bypass modern exploit mitigation
      • Brief introduction to IoT security with hacking real-world products
  • B33F H4CK1NG April
  • B33F H4CK1NG May


  • Coming soon!

Community Paticipation

    • 2023 Attendee
    • 2024 Attendee
    • 2022 Attendee
    • 2024 Attendee
  • DEVCORE Conference
    • 2024 Attendee


I’m not affiliated with pwn2own competition. But I hope I can participate in it someday.